الفرق بين المراجعتين لصفحة: «قالب:Remove last word»
ar>Wikivahdat ط (Changed protection settings for "Template:Remove last word": High-risk template or module: 2525 transclusions (more info) ([Edit=Require extended confirmed access] (indefinite) [Move=Require extended confirmed access] (indefinite))) |
Wikivahdat (نقاش | مساهمات) ط (مراجعة واحدة) |
(لا فرق)
المراجعة الحالية بتاريخ ٠٧:٣١، ٧ ديسمبر ٢٠٢٢
ملف:Lua-logo-nolabel.svg | هذا القالب يستعمل لوا: |
This template removes the last word of the first parameter, i.e. the last non-space token after the last space. Use |1=
for the first parameter if the string may contain an equals sign (=). By default, words are delimited by spaces, but the optional parameter |sep=
can set the separator to any character.
One parameter (space as separator):
{{Remove last word|string}}
{{Remove last word|1=string}}
Two parameters (user-defined character as separator):
{{Remove last word|string|sep=character}}
{{Remove last word|1=string|sep=character}}
{{Remove last word|Remove last word}}
→ Remove last{{Remove last word|Remove last}}
→ Remove{{Remove last word|Remove}}
→ Remove{{Remove last word|Remove, last word|sep=,}}
→ Remove{{Remove last word|Foo-bar|sep=-}}
→ Foo{{Remove last word|1=len = a+b|sep==}}
→ len
See also
- {{Last word}}
- {{First word}}
- {{Remove first word}}